New Book Is Out!

Utopia 2065
Utopia is an impossible reality, a happy non-existing society. It is also a philosophical tradition, typified by the authors who describe an ideal society. The most renowned of these is Thomas More, who wrote his book Utopia: The...... Meer

Sinds 10-10-10’s Curaçao een “nieuw” land binnen het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden. Het had een nieuw begin moeten worden. Het werd een opeenvolging van bizarre ontwikkeling. Niet alleen op Curaçao maar over de hele wereld. In het boek wordt over deze ontwikkelingen gereflecteerd. Het lijkt dat de enige “waarde” die nog geldt, is “geld”.

Dr. Miguel Goede and Runy Calemera recently published their Amazon Kidle ebook. In "Creating The Caribbean 3.0 Future" the authors dr. Miguel Goede and Runy Calmera discuss the challenges facing the Caribbean Small Island Developing States (SIDS). The opportunities for these islands. The do's and the don'ts. How to prepare a plan and implement this for a bright future.
The book is the result of publications in the Caribbean Journal and Caribbean News Now and a 3 day Online Conference given in March 2015. Their ideas and findings are nuw brought together in a practical guide for business owners, managers and policy advisors in the Caribbean.
The future of the 23 Caribbean Small Developing States (SIDS) is at stake. There are 13 challenges facing the Small Island Developing States in the Caribbean, 13 opportunities for the new Caribbean. If you are a small business owner in the Caribbean, a policy advisor, a politician, a manager or a mother living in the Caribbean there are 12 things you should Do and 10 no-go areas when you want to create your Caribbean future.
As there is no future without a plan we the authors also discuss how to create a National Master plan and how to implement a plan for the future of the Caribbean.
With this book you get free access to a 3 day Online Conference of the Future of the Caribbean given in March 2015.
During this online conference the authors discussed the future of the Caribbean with more than 110 participants from the Caribbean. You can get access to all the videos presented by dr. Miguel Goede and Mr. Runy Calmera and join the discussion on the Future of the Caribbean. More details how to join are in the ebook.
Dr Miguel Goede is a strategist and trend watcher in the Caribbean. He is based in Curaçao and works for governments, corporations and NGOs in the region; join his discussion at
https://www.facebook.com/groups/caribbean 3.0.
Runy Calmera is an economist, consultant, trainer and coach on economic analysis and policy for the 52 small island developing states (SIDS). Find out more and like the Facebook page www.facebook.com/policyinparadise. You can download a free economic spreadsheet model for Sint Kitts and Nevis and Grenada at http://www.calmera.nl/demo-macro-model-sint-kitts-and-nevis/
"Mindset 3.0. Verander je mindset en verander je toekomst". To create 3.0 you need to have a 3.0 mindset.
Published on 3 March 2014.
What Small Island Developing States in the Caribbean could learn from eachother. "Caribbean 3.0; Transforming Small Island Developing States."
Published in July 2013.
New Book About Lessons To Be Learned By SIDS Featured
Dr. Miguel Goede
Monday, Jul 15th, 2013 13:45 UTC | Comment Article
WILLEMSTAD -- Dr. Miguel Goede presents a new book "Caribbean 3.0; Transforming Small Island Developing States".
The book is the follow-up in English of its successful book "Curacao 3.0" in which he translates his concept of 3.0 for the Caribbean.
His book elaborates on the challenges Small Island Developing States face all around the world. The special situation of the SIDS has been recognized since the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. Goede states in his book that SIDS in the Caribbean can learn much from each other. SIDS are characterized by their limited natural resources, a concentration of social and economic activities and infrastructure near the coast; a fragile and limited reservoir of drinking water, population density, an economy vulnerable to external shocks, limited physical space, limited financial, technical and institutional capacity to mitigate the impact of climate change. Goede says that the islands are inward looking and closed within their group.
Although the islands could learn from each other, at the same time they need to develop a unique vision and strategy and implement this. For the SIDS to successfully cope with their condition, education, ICT and sustainable development are top priorities. These are the basis for the 3.0 information society. The transformation of capitalism from 2.0 to 3.0 means that the emphasis is focused more on social entrepreneurship and no longer on profit maximizing. The market is a construction to solve problems. In the new society knowledge workers and creative people come together to create value. The book also elaborates on matters of governance and sustainable development. Also certain elements of government policies in Curaçao are discussed and plans such as GreenTown to replace the refinery are scrutinized. Also projects like the Knowledge Zone in the area of Airport City Hato and the creative Zone around the bay of Waaigat are discussed. Last but not least, the long-standing wish to develop a national master plan for Curaçao like the master plan for Barbados, is discussed. Goede advises SIDS to develop and implement a tailor-made master plan.
A Facebook group “Caribbean 3.0” has been created. People can join to discuss the development of CSIDS 3.0. The book is available as an eBook. This facilitates the distribution to the islands in the Caribbean. The book can be ordered online by clicking on this link. And at the local bookstore Mensing’s.
My book "Curacao 3.0", in Dutch is out. It is based on my blogs in 2012, explaining that Curacao 2.0 has crashed and must be upgraded to Curacao 3.0 to remain relevant. It is available at Mensing's Caminada in Curacao. Or online by clicking here.
I am the architect of the Knowledge Zone Curacao. Visit www.knowledge-zone.com
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